TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Pittsburgh Smart 50 Impact Award goes to Cybergenetics

At the Pittsburgh Smart 50 awards, Cybergenetics chief scientist Dr. Mark Perlin earned a special Impact Award for his work on TrueAllele® science and justice.

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Perlin said, "Crime labs generally can't interpret their complex DNA evidence properly … and the result is that this powerful DNA evidence is silent.” He added, "But with computer technology, artificial intelligence [and] machine learning, computers can reach into the data and pull out the truth.”

"When DNA is silent, computers can bring the truth," Perlin continued. "They achieve justice for our society, and have a major impact on our community."

Cybergenetics CEO/CSO Dr. Mark Perlin accepts the Pittsburgh Smart 50 Impact Award. (Photo credit: Andrew Rush)
Cybergenetics CEO/CSO Dr. Mark Perlin accepts the Pittsburgh Smart 50 Impact Award. (Photo credit: Andrew Rush)

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