Educational presentations on TrueAllele® science, case studies and forensic issues.
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- M. W. Perlin,"AI delivers accurate and objective forensic DNA evidence", AI and Criminal Justice: Challenges and Opportunities, Duquesne University Law School, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov-2024.
- M. W. Perlin,"Delivering Computer Automation in Forensic DNA Science", Legal Medicine & Forensic Science, Duquesne University Law School, Pittsburgh, PA, Mar-2022.
- M. W. Perlin, "Opening the DNA Past with TrueAllele® Automation", Justice & Professionalism Meeting, Virginia Association of Commonwealth's Attorneys, Richmond, VA, Jul-2021.
- B. Pujols, "Examining DNA evidence: TrueAllele case studies", Legal Medicine & Forensic Science, Duquesne University Law School, Pittsburgh, PA, 19-Mar-2020.
- M.W. Perlin, "Mining the mixture - a DNA analyst explains", Judicial Summer Seminars, New York State Judicial Institute, Rye Brook, NY, Jun-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Probabilistic genotyping in theory and practice," Brooklyn Defender Services, Brooklyn, NY, Apr-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Bayesian reasoning for complex DNA evidence," Quantitative Reasoning in the Law, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL, Apr-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixtures in sexual assault: evidence and admissibility," Legal Medicine & Forensic Science, Duquesne University Law School, Pittsburgh, PA, Mar-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA transfer for lawyers", Allegheny County Courthouse - Continuing Legal Education, Pittsburgh, PA, 22-Feb-2019.
- M. W. Perlin and M. J. Machen, "DNA evidence and transfer," CLE at Beaver County Bar Association, Beaver, PA, Dec-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Daubert in practice", Lecture in Evidence class, Penn State University Law School, State College, PA, Nov-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Probabilistic genotyping: bad, good & ugly", Minnesota DNA defenders, Minneapolis, MN, Oct-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Probabilistic genotyping to the rescue for Pinkins and Glenn", Wrongful Conviction Day, Indiana University McKinney School of Law, Indianapolis, IN, Oct-2018.
- J. Hornyak, "TrueAllele® for justice: unbiased DNA mixtures", Criminal Forensics Seminar, Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Baton Rouge, LA, 9-Aug-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA science, systems and strategy", Full day CLE for New York City Legal Aid Society public defenders, New York, NY, Aug-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® science and court", Half day CLE for Cuyahoga County prosecutors, with crime lab scientists, Cleveland, OH, Jul-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele for DNA mixtures", Georgia District Attorney's Association, Spring Meeting, Savannah, GA, 3-May-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Getting away with murder: forensic science and society", Duquesne University Law School, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Presenting TrueAllele® evidence in the courtroom", Twelve hour joint workshop for Baltimore City prosecutors and scientists, Baltimore, MD, Feb-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Detecting and denying DNA evidence: a history of forensic identification", Pioneers of Forensic Science, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, 2-Jun-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA: TrueAllele statistical analysis, probabilistic genotyping", Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council Winter Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 6-Dec-2016.
- M. W. Perlin and M.J. Machen, "DNA with ethics", Duquesne University Ethics and Eats Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA, 2-Dec-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Fighting for DNA justice: genotyping software in the Hillary acquittal", Questioning Forensics: Inside the Black Box, Legal Aid Society, New York, NY, 28-Oct-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving serious crime with TrueAllele technology", DA Roundtable, Annual Summer Meeting, Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, Bedford, PA, Jul-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "The probative power of DNA mixtures", Louisiana District Attorneys Association 39th Annual Conference, Destin, FL, 27-Jun-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "How to defend yourself against DNA mixtures", National Forensic College, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, New York, NY, 8-Jun-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Issues with DNA evidence, past and future", Washington County Bar Association, Washington, PA, 30-Mar-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Understanding DNA evidence", Beaver County Courthouse, Beaver, PA, 23-Mar-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Understanding complex DNA evidence", New York Legal Aid Society, New York, NY, Mar-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Understanding DNA", Pennsylvania Conference of State Trial Judges, Philadelphia, PA, 26-Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixture evidence", Penn State University Dickinson Law School, State College, PA, Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Mix & match: Getting comfortable with DNA reporting", Duquesne University Forensic Fridays, Pittsburgh, PA, 16-Oct-2015.
- M. W. Perlin. "Forensic science and criminal law: Cutting edge DNA strategies", Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Pittsburgh, PA, 25-Sep-2015.
- M. W. Perlin, "Challenging DNA evidence", Allegheny County Courthouse - Continuing Legal Education, Pittsburgh, PA, 27-Feb-2015.
- M. W. Perlin, "Shedding light on inconclusive DNA: TrueAllele computer analysis", Office of the Onondaga County District Attorney, Syracuse, NY, 25-Nov-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® Computing: All the DNA, all the time", NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Continuing Professional Development, Sydney, Australia, 19-Mar-2014.
- M.W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® interpretation of Allegheny County DNA mixtures", Allegheny County Courthouse, Pittsburgh, PA, 28-Feb-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "No DNA Left Behind: When 'inconclusive' really means 'informative'", Schenectady County District Attorney's Office, Schenectady, NY, 31-Jan-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Understanding DNA mixtures" & "How to convict an innocent man using DNA mixtures", DNA in the 21st Century, New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, Trenton, NJ, Oct-2013.
- J. Butler, A. Mitchell, M. W. Perlin, A.M. Schubert, J. Friedman and J. Spriggs, "DNA mixture interpretations and statistics - to include or exclude", Fourth Annual Prescription for Criminal Justice Forensics, American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section, New York, NY, 7-Jun-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixture statistics", Virginia Spring Institute, Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council, Richmond, VA, 26-Mar-2013.
- G. Hampikian, V. Weedn, M. W. Perlin, A. Blumstein, J. Rangos, K. Mains, L. Irwin, A. Adepoju and W. Oliver, "Whose DNA is it anyway?", Duquesne University Forensic Fridays, Continuing Legal Education Program on DNA Access. Pittsburgh, PA, 15-Mar-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Reanimating Zombie DNA", Penn State Dickinson Law School, State College, PA, 21-Sep-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA evidence: computer interpretation, case investigation and court presentation", Kern County District Attorney's Office, Continuing Legal Education, Bakersfield, CA, Apr-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, J. Galloway and M. Agnew, "Investigation and trial in the Massereene case", Police, Public Prosecution and Forensic Services of Northern Ireland, Continuing Professional Development, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Mar-2012.
- M. W. Perlin and J. Galloway, "Touch DNA and the Massereene Barracks attack investigation", Allegheny County Courthouse, Pittsburgh, PA, 17-Feb-2012.
- R. Freeman, R. Harmon and M. W. Perlin, "The Changing Face of DNA: The Science, Law and Ethics of Familial Search", Duquesne University Forensic Friday, Pittsburgh, PA, 13-May-2011.
- M. W. Perlin and A. Krastek, "Forensic DNA analysis: A CLE introduction", Allegheny County Courthouse, Pittsburgh, PA, 4-Mar-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, A. Krastek and M. Collins, "Forensic DNA analysis: An introduction", Duquesne University Forensic Friday, Pittsburgh, PA, 8-Oct-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Objective interpretation of DNA evidence: automation and admissibility", Arizona State University Law School, Tempe, AZ, Apr-2003.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated computer analysis of forensic DNA data", DNA and the Law: Reining in the Revolution, Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law & Duquesne University School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Data-driven DNA forensic science: TrueAllele® computation", Computational Health Informatics, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug-2024.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele investigation of DNA evidence", Cold Case Homicide Investigation Course, Pennsylvania State Police, Hershey, PA, Oct-2021.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® validation: Computer interpretation of DNA mixture evidence", Forensic Science and Law Seminar, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr-2021.
- M. W. Perlin, "Probabilistic genotyping of evidentiary DNA typing results: TrueAllele® admissibility", Federal Bureau of Investigation & National Institute of Justice Webinar, Jun-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Probabilistic genotyping of evidentiary DNA typing results: TrueAllele® technology", Federal Bureau of Investigation & National Institute of Justice Webinar, May-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic DNA in criminal justice: science and society", Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Mar-Apr-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic DNA in criminal justice: science and society", Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Sep-Oct-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Expert DNA testimony", University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving serious crime using effective DNA evidence", Allegheny County Police Department, Pittsburgh, PA, Mar-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® science and testimony", Two day Georgia Bureau of Investigation course for DNA analysts, Decatur, GA, Jan-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Science & sorcery in forensic DNA evidence", Science in our world: certainty & controversy, Penn State Beaver, Monaca, PA, 7-Apr-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic DNA evidence", University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® Casework", Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About Probabilistic Software (But Were Afraid to Ask), Promega's Twenty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, Phoenix, AZ, 29-Sep-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Computer interpretation of touch DNA mixtures", Seminar for Chiefs of Police in Western Pennsylvania, CSI Investigators Series, Pittsburgh, PA, 13-May-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Revolutionising DNA analysis in major crime investigations", The Investigator DNA Workshop, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK, 1-May-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA-led investigation through computer interpretation of evidence", Pennsylvania State Police Training Seminar, Hershey, PA, 2-Apr-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Revolutionising DNA analysis in major crime investigations", Workshop for Investigators, The Investigator Conferences, Rothley, Leicestershire, UK, 23-Apr-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® mixture interpretation", 9th Annual DNA Technology Educational Seminar, Toronto, Ontario, 6-Nov-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® challenges in court and culture", 9th Annual DNA Technology Educational Seminar, Toronto, Ontario, 6-Nov-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, M. Legler and J. Kos, "DNA expert system software" (with hands-on computer laboratory), TrueAllele® Workshop, California Association of Criminalists (CAC), Bakersfield, CA, May-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, M. Legler and J. Kos, "Probabilistic genotyping for DNA mixture interpretation" (with hands-on TrueAllele® computer laboratory), Cybergenetics Forensic Science Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, Apr-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated and objective DNA mixture analysis", Workshop on Practical Applications of DNA Profiling Technology, Sixteenth Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences(IAFS), Montpellier, France, 2002.
- DNA Identification
- Lawyers
- Continuing Legal Education
- Biology and Information, Mixture Interpretation, TrueAllele Testimony
- Scientists
- Basics
- Biology and Information, Bayesian Belief Update, Inclusion Genotype and LR
- Methods
- Stochastic Effects, Quantitative Data Modeling, Mixture Weight and Inference
- Special Topics
- Selected Scientific Presentations