Scientific validation studies, magazine articles, book chapters and more.
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Book Chapter
- Perlin, M.W., Butt, N., and Wilson, M.R. Commentary on: Thompson WC. Uncertainty in probabilistic genotyping of low template DNA: a case study comparing STRmix™ and TrueAllele®. J Forensic Sci. 2023;68(3):1049–63.
- Bauer, D.W., Butt, N., Hornyak, J.M., and Perlin, M.W. Validating TrueAllele® interpretation of DNA mixtures containing up to ten unknown contributors. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 65(2):380-398, 2020.
- Perlin, M.W. Efficient construction of match strength distributions for uncertain multi-locus genotypes. Heliyon, 4(10):e00824, 2018.
- Stokes NA, Stanciua CE, Brocatoa ER, Ehrhardta CR, Greenspoon SA. Simplification of complex DNA profiles using front end cell separation and probabilistic modeling. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 36:205-212, 2018.
- Perlin, M.W. Inclusion probability for DNA mixtures is a subjective one-sided match statistic unrelated to identification information. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 6(1):59, 2015.
- Greenspoon, S.A., Schiermeier-Wood, L., and Jenkins, B.C. Establishing the limits of TrueAllele® Casework: a validation study. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(5):1263-1276, 2015.
- Perlin, M.W., Hornyak, J.M., Sugimoto, G., and Miller, K.W.P. TrueAllele genotype identification on DNA mixtures containing up to five unknown contributors. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(4):857-868, 2015.
- Perlin, M.W., Dormer, K., Hornyak, J., Schiermeier-Wood, L., and Greenspoon, S. TrueAllele Casework on Virginia DNA mixture evidence: computer and manual interpretation in 72 reported criminal cases. PLoS ONE, 9(3):e92837, 2014.
- Perlin, M.W., Belrose, J.L., and Duceman, B.W. New York State TrueAllele® Casework validation study. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58(6):1458-1466, 2013.
- Ballantyne, J., Hanson, E.K., and Perlin, M.W. DNA mixture genotyping by probabilistic computer interpretation of binomially-sampled laser captured cell populations: combining quantitative data for greater identification information. Science & Justice, 53(2):103-114, 2013.
- Perlin, M.W. When good DNA goes bad. Journal of Forensic Research. S11:003, DOI 10.4172/2157-7145.S11-003, 2013.
- Perlin, M.W., Legler, M.M., Spencer, C.E., Smith, J.L., Allan, W.P., Belrose, J.L., and Duceman, B.W. Validating TrueAllele® DNA mixture interpretation. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56(6):1430-47, 2011.
- Perlin, M.W. and Sinelnikov, A. An information gap in DNA evidence interpretation. PLoS ONE, 4(12):e8327, 2009.
- Perlin, M.W., Kadane, J.B., and Cotton, R.W. Match likelihood ratio for uncertain genotypes. Law, Probability and Risk, 8(3):289-302, 2009.
- Hill, S.Y., Shen, S., Zezza, N., Hoffman, E.K., Perlin, M., Allan, W. A genome-wide search for alcoholism susceptibility genes. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 128B: 102-113, 2004.
- Kadash, K., Kozlowski, B.E., Biega, L.A., and Duceman, B.W. Validation study of the TrueAllele® automated data review system. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49(4):1-8, 2004.
- Perlin, M.W. and Szabady, B. Determining sequence length or content in zero, one, and two dimensions. Human Mutation,19(4), 2002.
- Perlin, M.W. and Szabady, B. Linear mixture analysis: a mathematical approach to resolving mixed DNA samples. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46(6), pp. 1372-77, 2001.
- Pálsson, B., Pálsson, F., Perlin, M., Gubjartsson, H., Stefánsson, K., and Gulcher, J. Using quality measures to facilitate allele calling in high-throughput genotyping. Genome Research, 9(10):1002-1012, 1999.
- Lancia, G., and Perlin, M. Genotyping of pooled microsatellite markers by combinatorial optimization techniques. Discrete Applied Math, 88(1-3):291-314, 1998.
- Andrews C, Devlin B, Perlin M, Roeder K. Binning clones by hybridization with complex probes: statistical refinement of an inner product mapping method. Genomics, 41(2):141-154, 1997.
- Perlin, M.W., Lancia, G., and Ng, S.-K. Toward fully automated genotyping: genotyping microsatellite markers by deconvolution. American Journal of Human Genetics, 57(5):1199-1210, 1995.
- Perlin, M.W., Burks, M.B., Hoop, R.C., and Hoffman, E.P. Toward fully automated genotyping: allele assignment, pedigree construction, phase determination, and recombination detection in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. American Journal of Human Genetics, 55(4):777-787, 1994.
- Perlin MW. Transforming conjunctive match into RETE: a call-graph caching approach. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1(4):373:408, 1991.
- Perlin, M.W. Objective DNA mixture information in the courtroom: relevance, reliability and acceptance. Presented at the International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management: Detection, Measurement and Mitigation, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Arlington, VA, 2015.
- Perlin, M.W. DNA mapping the crime scene: do computers dream of electric peaks? in the Proceedings of Promega's Twenty Third International Symposium on Human Identification. Nashville, TN, 2012.
- Perlin, M.W. Combining DNA evidence for greater match information. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, DOI 10.1016/j.fsigss.2011.09.112, 2011.
- Perlin, M.W. Investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, DOI 10.1016/j.fsigss.2011.09.103, 2011.
- Perlin, M.W. Explaining the likelihood ratio in DNA mixture interpretation in the Proceedings of Promega's Twenty First International Symposium on Human Identification. San Antonio, TX, 2010.
- Perlin, M.W. Scientific validation of mixture interpretation method in the Proceedings of Promega's Seventeenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Nashville, TN, 2006.
- Perlin, M.W. Real-time DNA investigation in the Proceedings of Promega's Sixteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Dallas, TX, 2005.
- Perlin, M.W. Simple reporting of complex DNA evidence: automated computer interpretation in the Proceedings of Promega's Fourteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Phoenix, AZ, 2003.
- Perlin, M.W., Coffman, D., Crouse, C.A., Konotop, F. and Ban, J.D. Automated STR data analysis: validation studies in the Proceedings of Promega's Twelfth International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 2001.
- Perlin, M.W. An expert system for scoring DNA database profiles in the Proceedings of Promega's Eleventh International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 2000.
- Perlin, M.W., Computer automation of STR scoring for forensic databases. In First International Conference on Forensic Human Identification in The Millennium, London, UK, The Forensic Science Service, 1999.
- Perlin, M.W. Good answers to bad questions about DNA match statistics. Forensic Magazine, 16(1):32-34, 2019.
- Perlin, M.W. Suspect-centric bias in DNA mixture interpretation. Forensic Magazine, 15(3):10-13, 2018.
- Perlin, M.W. When DNA is not a gold standard: failing to interpret mixture evidence. The Champion, 42(4):50-56, May 2018.
- Perlin, M.W. Hidden DNA evidence: exonerating the innocent. Forensic Magazine, 15(1):10-12, 2018.
- Jenkins, C. DNA doyenne. The Investigator, (3):36-38, 2016.
- Perlin, M.W. and Miller, K.W.P. Kern County resolves the DNA mixture crisis. Forensic Magazine, 11(4):8-12, 2014.
- Williams, K.E. and Panella, M.J. The continuing legal evolution of forensic DNA. The Pennsylvania Lawyer. January/February, 34-37, 2013.
- Perlin, M.W. Easy reporting of hard DNA: computer comfort in the courtroom. Forensic Magazine, 9(4):32-37, 2012.
- Perlin, M.W. and Galloway, J. Computer DNA evidence interpretation in the Real IRA Massereene terrorist attack. Evidence Technology Magazine, 10(3):20-3, 2012.
- Perlin, M.W. Forensic science in the information age. Forensic Magazine, 9(2):17-21, 2012.
- Perlin, M.W. How it works: DNA information library service. Forensic Magazine, 9(1):35, 2012.
- Perlin, M.W. How it works: Solving DNA mixtures with a visual calculator. Forensic Magazine, 5(1):32, 2008.
- Perlin, M.W. DNA Identification Science. In Forensic Sciences, C.H. Wecht, Ed. Albany, NY: LexisNexis Matthew Bender; Chapter 37C, 2021.
- Perlin, M.W. The Blairsville Slaying and the Dawn of DNA Computing, In Death Needs Answers: The Cold-Blooded Murder of Dr. John Yelenic, A. Niapas, Ed., New Kensington, PA: Grelin Press, 2013.
- Perlin, M.W. Identifying human remains using TrueAllele® technology. Forensic Investigation and Management of Mass Disasters. M. I. Okoye and C. H. Wecht. Tucson, AZ, Lawyers & Judges Publishing Co: 31-38, 2007.
- Perlin, M.W. Mass casualty identification through DNA analysis: overview, problems and pitfalls. Forensic Investigation and Management of Mass Disasters. M. I. Okoye and C. H. Wecht. Tucson, AZ, Lawyers & Judges Publishing Co: 23-30, 2007.
- Perlin, M.W. Efficient construction of match strength distributions for uncertain multi-locus genotypes, Cybergenetics Report, July, 2018.
- Perlin, M.W. Genotype likelihood ratio distributions and random match probability: Generalization, calculation and application. Cybergenetics Report, July, 2017.
- Perlin, M.W. Failing to interpret DNA mixture evidence. Cybergenetics White Paper, July, 2016.
- Allan, W.P., Legler, M.M., Bracamontes, J.M., Danser, K.R. and Perlin, M.W. Reporting Exclusionary Results on Complex DNA Evidence, A Case Report Response to 'Uncertainty in Probabilistic Genotyping of Low Template DNA: A Case Study Comparing Strmix™ and Trueallele®' Software, SSRN, June, 2023.
- Allan, W.P., Legler, M.M., Spencer, C.E., Smith, J.L., Belrose, J.L., Duceman, B.W. and Perlin, M.W. Validating Trueallele® DNA Mixture Interpretation, SSRN, August, 2010.
- Sinelkov, A. and Perlin, M.W. An Information Gap in DNA Evidence Interpretation, SSRN, December, 2009.
- Kadane, J.B., Cotton, R.W. and Perlin, M.W. Match Likelihood Ratio for Uncertain Genotypes, SSRN, November, 2009.
- Perlin, M.W. California baggie DNA mixture evidence, Mendeley Data, May, 2023.
- Perlin, M.W. NIJ40 DNA mixture files, Mendeley Data, July, 2018.