TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA


Scientific validation studies, magazine articles, book chapters and more.

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Book Chapter


  1. Perlin, M.W., Butt, N., and Wilson, M.R. Commentary on: Thompson WC. Uncertainty in probabilistic genotyping of low template DNA: a case study comparing STRmix™ and TrueAllele®. J Forensic Sci. 2023;68(3):1049–63.
  2. Bauer, D.W., Butt, N., Hornyak, J.M., and Perlin, M.W. Validating TrueAllele® interpretation of DNA mixtures containing up to ten unknown contributors. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 65(2):380-398, 2020.

  3. Perlin, M.W. Efficient construction of match strength distributions for uncertain multi-locus genotypes. Heliyon, 4(10):e00824, 2018.

  4. Stokes NA, Stanciua CE, Brocatoa ER, Ehrhardta CR, Greenspoon SA. Simplification of complex DNA profiles using front end cell separation and probabilistic modeling. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 36:205-212, 2018.

  5. Perlin, M.W. Inclusion probability for DNA mixtures is a subjective one-sided match statistic unrelated to identification information. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 6(1):59, 2015.

  6. Greenspoon, S.A., Schiermeier-Wood, L., and Jenkins, B.C. Establishing the limits of TrueAllele® Casework: a validation study. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(5):1263-1276, 2015.

  7. Perlin, M.W., Hornyak, J.M., Sugimoto, G., and Miller, K.W.P. TrueAllele genotype identification on DNA mixtures containing up to five unknown contributors. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(4):857-868, 2015.

  8. Perlin, M.W., Dormer, K., Hornyak, J., Schiermeier-Wood, L., and Greenspoon, S. TrueAllele Casework on Virginia DNA mixture evidence: computer and manual interpretation in 72 reported criminal cases. PLoS ONE, 9(3):e92837, 2014.

  9. Perlin, M.W., Belrose, J.L., and Duceman, B.W. New York State TrueAllele® Casework validation study. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58(6):1458-1466, 2013.

  10. Ballantyne, J., Hanson, E.K., and Perlin, M.W. DNA mixture genotyping by probabilistic computer interpretation of binomially-sampled laser captured cell populations: combining quantitative data for greater identification information. Science & Justice, 53(2):103-114, 2013.

  11. Perlin, M.W. When good DNA goes bad. Journal of Forensic Research. S11:003, DOI 10.4172/2157-7145.S11-003, 2013.

  12. Perlin, M.W., Legler, M.M., Spencer, C.E., Smith, J.L., Allan, W.P., Belrose, J.L., and Duceman, B.W. Validating TrueAllele® DNA mixture interpretation. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56(6):1430-47, 2011.

  13. Perlin, M.W. and Sinelnikov, A. An information gap in DNA evidence interpretation. PLoS ONE, 4(12):e8327, 2009.

  14. Perlin, M.W., Kadane, J.B., and Cotton, R.W. Match likelihood ratio for uncertain genotypes. Law, Probability and Risk, 8(3):289-302, 2009.

  15. Hill, S.Y., Shen, S., Zezza, N., Hoffman, E.K., Perlin, M., Allan, W. A genome-wide search for alcoholism susceptibility genes. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 128B: 102-113, 2004.

  16. Kadash, K., Kozlowski, B.E., Biega, L.A., and Duceman, B.W. Validation study of the TrueAllele® automated data review system. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49(4):1-8, 2004.

  17. Perlin, M.W. and Szabady, B. Determining sequence length or content in zero, one, and two dimensions. Human Mutation,19(4), 2002.

  18. Perlin, M.W. and Szabady, B. Linear mixture analysis: a mathematical approach to resolving mixed DNA samples. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46(6), pp. 1372-77, 2001.

  19. Pálsson, B., Pálsson, F., Perlin, M., Gubjartsson, H., Stefánsson, K., and Gulcher, J. Using quality measures to facilitate allele calling in high-throughput genotyping. Genome Research, 9(10):1002-1012, 1999.

  20. Lancia, G., and Perlin, M. Genotyping of pooled microsatellite markers by combinatorial optimization techniques. Discrete Applied Math, 88(1-3):291-314, 1998.

  21. Andrews C, Devlin B, Perlin M, Roeder K. Binning clones by hybridization with complex probes: statistical refinement of an inner product mapping method. Genomics, 41(2):141-154, 1997.

  22. Perlin, M.W., Lancia, G., and Ng, S.-K. Toward fully automated genotyping: genotyping microsatellite markers by deconvolution. American Journal of Human Genetics, 57(5):1199-1210, 1995.

  23. Perlin, M.W., Burks, M.B., Hoop, R.C., and Hoffman, E.P. Toward fully automated genotyping: allele assignment, pedigree construction, phase determination, and recombination detection in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. American Journal of Human Genetics, 55(4):777-787, 1994.

  24. Perlin MW. Transforming conjunctive match into RETE: a call-graph caching approach. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1(4):373:408, 1991.

  25. Conference

  26. Perlin, M.W. Objective DNA mixture information in the courtroom: relevance, reliability and acceptance. Presented at the International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management: Detection, Measurement and Mitigation, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Arlington, VA, 2015.

  27. Perlin, M.W. DNA mapping the crime scene: do computers dream of electric peaks? in the Proceedings of Promega's Twenty Third International Symposium on Human Identification. Nashville, TN, 2012.

  28. Perlin, M.W. Combining DNA evidence for greater match information. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, DOI 10.1016/j.fsigss.2011.09.112, 2011.

  29. Perlin, M.W. Investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, DOI 10.1016/j.fsigss.2011.09.103, 2011.

  30. Perlin, M.W. Explaining the likelihood ratio in DNA mixture interpretation in the Proceedings of Promega's Twenty First International Symposium on Human Identification. San Antonio, TX, 2010.

  31. Perlin, M.W. Scientific validation of mixture interpretation method in the Proceedings of Promega's Seventeenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Nashville, TN, 2006.

  32. Perlin, M.W. Real-time DNA investigation in the Proceedings of Promega's Sixteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Dallas, TX, 2005.

  33. Perlin, M.W. Simple reporting of complex DNA evidence: automated computer interpretation in the Proceedings of Promega's Fourteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Phoenix, AZ, 2003.

  34. Perlin, M.W., Coffman, D., Crouse, C.A., Konotop, F. and Ban, J.D. Automated STR data analysis: validation studies in the Proceedings of Promega's Twelfth International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 2001.

  35. Perlin, M.W. An expert system for scoring DNA database profiles in the Proceedings of Promega's Eleventh International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 2000.

  36. Perlin, M.W., Computer automation of STR scoring for forensic databases. In First International Conference on Forensic Human Identification in The Millennium, London, UK, The Forensic Science Service, 1999.

  37. Magazine

  38. Perlin, M.W. Good answers to bad questions about DNA match statistics. Forensic Magazine, 16(1):32-34, 2019.

  39. Perlin, M.W. Suspect-centric bias in DNA mixture interpretation. Forensic Magazine, 15(3):10-13, 2018.

  40. Perlin, M.W. When DNA is not a gold standard: failing to interpret mixture evidence. The Champion, 42(4):50-56, May 2018.

  41. Perlin, M.W. Hidden DNA evidence: exonerating the innocent. Forensic Magazine, 15(1):10-12, 2018.

  42. Jenkins, C. DNA doyenne. The Investigator, (3):36-38, 2016.

  43. Perlin, M.W. and Miller, K.W.P. Kern County resolves the DNA mixture crisis. Forensic Magazine, 11(4):8-12, 2014.

  44. Williams, K.E. and Panella, M.J. The continuing legal evolution of forensic DNA. The Pennsylvania Lawyer. January/February, 34-37, 2013.

  45. Perlin, M.W. Easy reporting of hard DNA: computer comfort in the courtroom. Forensic Magazine, 9(4):32-37, 2012.

  46. Perlin, M.W. and Galloway, J. Computer DNA evidence interpretation in the Real IRA Massereene terrorist attack. Evidence Technology Magazine, 10(3):20-3, 2012.

  47. Perlin, M.W. Forensic science in the information age. Forensic Magazine, 9(2):17-21, 2012.

  48. Perlin, M.W. How it works: DNA information library service. Forensic Magazine, 9(1):35, 2012.

  49. Perlin, M.W. How it works: Solving DNA mixtures with a visual calculator. Forensic Magazine, 5(1):32, 2008.

  50. Book Chapter

  51. Perlin, M.W. DNA Identification Science. In Forensic Sciences, C.H. Wecht, Ed. Albany, NY: LexisNexis Matthew Bender; Chapter 37C, 2021.

  52. Perlin, M.W. The Blairsville Slaying and the Dawn of DNA Computing, In Death Needs Answers: The Cold-Blooded Murder of Dr. John Yelenic, A. Niapas, Ed., New Kensington, PA: Grelin Press, 2013.

  53. Perlin, M.W. Identifying human remains using TrueAllele® technology. Forensic Investigation and Management of Mass Disasters. M. I. Okoye and C. H. Wecht. Tucson, AZ, Lawyers & Judges Publishing Co: 31-38, 2007.

  54. Perlin, M.W. Mass casualty identification through DNA analysis: overview, problems and pitfalls. Forensic Investigation and Management of Mass Disasters. M. I. Okoye and C. H. Wecht. Tucson, AZ, Lawyers & Judges Publishing Co: 23-30, 2007.

  55. Report

  56. Perlin, M.W. Efficient construction of match strength distributions for uncertain multi-locus genotypes, Cybergenetics Report, July, 2018.

  57. Perlin, M.W. Genotype likelihood ratio distributions and random match probability: Generalization, calculation and application. Cybergenetics Report, July, 2017.

  58. Perlin, M.W. Failing to interpret DNA mixture evidence. Cybergenetics White Paper, July, 2016.