- Kari R. Danser, MS, Jennifer Bracamontes, MS, Megan M. Foley, MS, Matthew Legler, BS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Getting more from less: low-level DNA mixtures on cartridges", American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Conference, Baltimore, MD, 21-Feb-2025.
- Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, William P. Allan, MS, Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Overcoming unscientific opposing arguments using relevant data", American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Conference, Baltimore, MD, 21-Feb-2025.
- Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, William P. Allan, MS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Defeating opposition experts: winning with science", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 10-May-2024.
- Kari R. Danser, MS, Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, Megan M. Foley, MS, Matthew M. Legler, BS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Getting more from less: low-level DNA mixtures on cartridges", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 10-May-2024.
- William P. Allan, MS, Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, Matthew M. Legler, BS, Jonathan Perlin, MS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Different TrueAllele® users, same DNA answer: a multi-center proficiency study", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-May-2024.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® computational forensics for solving 'uninterpretable' DNA mixtures", National Forensic Science University, Dharwad, Karnataka, India, 29-Nov-2023.
- W. Allan, M. W. Perlin, "Identifying victim remains using kinship genotype inference", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Orlando, FL, 16-Feb-2023.
- M. Legler, W. Allan, M. W. Perlin, "An automated genotype database for associating counterfeit drug evidence", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Orlando, FL, 16-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "The science and law of automated DNA evidence interpretation", National Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 9-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® forensic solution: making DNA count", All India Forensic Science Conference, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 3-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "Innovation and transparency for reliable forensic software", The New Abnormal: Data Protection in a More Virtual World, Santa Clara High Tech Law Journal, Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA, 25-Mar-2022.
- K. Kulick, M. W. Perlin, "Making something out of nothing: the inconclusive fallacy", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2022.
- W. Allan, H. Chaudhry, J. Donahue, M. W. Perlin, M. Wilson, "Peeling away uncertainty: a probabilistic approach to DNA mixture deconvolution", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2022.
- M. M. Legler, K. W. P. Miller, M. W. Perlin, G. Sugimoto, "Automated familial search using a probabilistic genotype database", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2022.
- M. W. Perlin, "How TrueAllele® computing automates DNA analysis and databasing for mass disasters", Wecht Institute of Forensic Science & Law, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-Sep-2021.
- M. W. Perlin, "Eliminating bias in forensic algorithms and statistics", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Meeting, 16-Feb-2021.
- M. W. Perlin, "Human factors in automated forensic DNA examination", Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation: Probabilistic Genotype Software, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute of Justice, 26-Jan-2021.
- J. Hornyak, "Exonerating the innocent with probabilistic genotyping", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 10-May-2019.
- B. Pujols, "Using probabilistic genotyping to distinguish family members", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 10-May-2019.
- D. Bauer, "Developing investigative leads from a probabilistic genotyping database", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 10-May-2019.
- W. Allan, "Testifying about probabilistic genotyping results", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 9-May-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic validation, error, and reporting: A unified approach", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- G. Hampikian and M. W. Perlin, "The first five exonerations using TrueAllele® statistical software: How labs can review and correct old cases", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- J. Donahue and M. W. Perlin, "Genotype information criteria for forensic DNA databases", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- J. Oblock and N. Butt, "The use of a database feature in the TrueAllele® Casework system to cross-reference DNA cases", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- L. Gumbs, E. Kanal, M. W. Perlin, G. Shannon, "CERT data science in cybersecurity symposium", Panel, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Arlington, VA, 29-Aug-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving sexual assault cases using DNA mixture evidence", National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI), National Institute of Justice, Pittsburgh, PA, 14-Mar-2018.
- N. Butt, D. Bauer and M. W. Perlin, "Validating TrueAllele® interpretation of DNA mixtures containing up to ten unknown contributors", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 23-Feb-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Distorting DNA evidence: methods of math distraction", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 22-Feb-2018.
- J. Donahue and M. W. Perlin, "Using computers to overcome forensic DNA testing bottlenecks and improve recovery from complex samples", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 22-Feb-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic match information: exact calculation and applications", International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Minneapolis, MN, 7-Sep-2017.
- B. Pujols, "Sitting on the fence: 'Inconclusive' is not a dead end", Mid-Atlantic Cold Case Homicide Investigator's Association Conference, Annapolis, MD, 15-Aug-2017.
- J. Hornyak and M. W. Perlin, "To include or not to include: the extent is the question", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 26-May-2017.
- D. Bauer and M. W. Perlin, "Validating TrueAllele® genotyping on ten contributor DNA mixtures", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 26-May-2017.
- W. Allan and M. W. Perlin, "Machines can work it out: automated TrueAllele® workflow", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 26-May-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Transforming DNA evidence into reliable information: computers, science and society", Pathology Informatics Summit, Pittsburgh, PA, 24-May-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "The triumph and tragedy of DNA evidence", Friendship Village, Upper St. Clair, PA, 8-May-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Error in the likelihood ratio: false match probability", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 17-Feb-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, W.P. Allan and C. Hughes, "On the threshold of injustice: manipulating DNA evidence", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 17-Feb-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, F. Watson and G. Hampikian, "When DNA alone is not enough: exoneration by computer interpretation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 16-Feb-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Transparency in DNA evidence", President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Washington, DC, 18-Nov-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Justice denied: Mr. Hopkins invisible semen", American Investigative Society of Cold Cases Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, 28-Jun-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic stasis in a world of flux", Quattrone Center Spring Symposium on Technology in Criminal Justice Reform, Penn Law School, Philadelphia, PA, 13-May-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA investigation: Across the universe", Spring Training Conference, Pennsylvania Homicide Investigators Association, State College, PA, 12-Apr-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Overcoming bias in DNA mixture interpretation", Presented by Dr. Ria David at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 68th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 26-Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin and G. Sugimoto, "Separating DNA mixtures by computer to identify and convict a serial rapist", Presented by Dr. David Bauer at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 68th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 25-Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin. "Objective DNA mixture information in the courtroom: Relevance, reliability and acceptance", International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management: Detection, Measurement and Mitigation, Arlington, VA, 22-July-2015.
- M. Bowkley, M. Legler and M. W. Perlin, "Rapid DNA response: On the wings of TrueAllele", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MD, 20-May-2015.
- R. David, M. Bowkley and M. W. Perlin, "Separating familial mixtures, one genotype at a time", Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists 40th Annual Meeting, Hershey, PA, 4-Nov-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving cold cases by TrueAllele® analysis of DNA evidence", Finding Closure: The Science, Law and Politics of Cold Case Investigations, Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law 14th Annual Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, 31-Oct-2014.
- J. Hornyak, W. Allan and M. W. Perlin, "Using TrueAllele® Casework to separate DNA mixtures of relatives", DNA Workshop, 124th California Association of Criminalists, San Francisco, CA, 20-Oct-2014.
- M. Bowkley and M. W. Perlin. "Compute first, ask questions later: an efficient TrueAllele® workflow", Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists 43rd Annual Fall Meeting, St. Paul, MN, 9-Oct-2014.
- J. Hornyak, W.P. Allan and M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® Casework validation on PowerPlex® 21 mixture data", Twenty Second International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australia and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia, 2-Sep-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® interpretation of DNA mixture evidence", Keynote talk, 9th International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 20-Aug-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving crimes using MCMC to analyze previously unusable DNA evidence", American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, MA, 3-Aug-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Preventing rape in the military through effective DNA computing", Forensic Europe Expo, Forensic Seminar Theatre, Olympia, London, 30-Apr-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Cracking the DNA mixture code — computer analysis of UK crime cases", Forensic Europe Expo, Forensic Innovation Conference, Olympia, London, 29-Apr-2014.
- M. W. Perlin and M.M. Legler, "Coding a safer society through computer interpretation of DNA evidence", MATLAB Virtual Conference, Europe and North America, 26-Mar-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Getting past first Bayes with DNA mixtures", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 21-Feb-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Death needs answers: the DNA evidence", The Cold-Blooded Murder of Dr. John Yelenic by Andrea Niapas, Christine Frechard Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 15-May-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Unleashing forensic DNA through computer intelligence", Forensic Europe Expo, Forensic Innovation Conference, London, United Kingdom, 24-Apr-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Finding truth in DNA mixture evidence", Innocence Network Conference, Advanced DNA, Charlotte, NC, 20-Apr-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, K. Dormer, J. Hornyak, L. Schiermeier-Wood, and S. Greenspoon, "Virginia TrueAllele® validation study: Casework comparison", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 22-Feb-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, K. Dormer, J. Hornyak, T. Meyers, and W. Lorenz, "How inclusion interpretation of DNA mixture evidence reduces identification information", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 22-Feb-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mapping the crime scene: do computers dream of electric peaks?", Promega's Twenty Third International Symposium on Human Identification, Nashville, TN, 17-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "When good DNA goes bad", International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Chicago, IL, 15-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic thinking, fast and slow", International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Chicago, IL, 15-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "The Massereene touch DNA evidence", Twenty First International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Hobart, Tasmania, 26-Sep-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Combining DNA evidence for greater match information", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 24-Feb-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 23-Feb-2012.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "Creating informative DNA libraries using computer reinterpretation of existing data", Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists 2011 Annual Meeting, Newport, RI, 2-Nov-2011.
- M. D. Coble and J. M. Butler, "Exploring the capabilities of mixture interpretation using TrueAllele software", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 3-Sep-2011.
- J. Ballantyne and M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixture deconvolution by binomial sampling of individual cells", International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Seattle, WA, 20-Jul-2011.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, Commission on Forensic Science Meeting, New York, NY, 27-Jun-2011.
- B. W. Duceman, "Using expert systems (TrueAllele®) for Forensic STR DNA analysis", National Institute of Justice, Arlington, VA, 20-Jun-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Computer interpretation of uncertain DNA evidence", National Institute of Justice, Arlington, VA, 20-Jun-2011.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 20-May-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Taming uncertainty in forensic DNA evidence", European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) DNA Working Group meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 8-April-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Sherlock Holmes and the DNA likelihood ratio", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 63rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 25-Feb-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "The science of quantitative DNA mixture interpretation", Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), Fredericksburg, VA, 11-Jan-2011
- M. W. Perlin, "Reliable interpretation of stochastic DNA evidence", Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences 57th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, 2-Dec-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Overcoming DNA stochastic effects", Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists 2010 Annual Meeting, Manchester, VT, 10-Nov-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Explaining the likelihood ratio in DNA mixture interpretation", Promega's Twenty First International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 14-Oct-2010.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "More informative DNA identification: Computer reinterpretation of existing data", Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists, Kansas City, MO, 8-Oct-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and K. E. Williams, "Preserving DNA information", National Association of Medical Examiners 2010 Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2-Oct-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and B. W. Duceman, "Profiles in productivity: Greater yield at lower cost with computer DNA interpretation", Twentieth International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Sydney, Australia, 9-Sep-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and M. Greenhalgh, "Scientific combination of DNA evidence: A handgun mixture in eight parts", Twentieth International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Sydney, Australia, 8-Sep-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA identification science: The search for truth", Duquesne University 2010 Summer Research Symposium Keynote Address, Pittsburgh, PA, 30-Jul-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Statistical computation for forensic DNA evidence", University of Pittsburgh Department of Human Genetics, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-Jul-2010.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 19-May-2010.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 5-Mar-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and R. W. Cotton, "Three match statistics, one verdict", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 62nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and B. W. Duceman, "Casework validation of genetic calculator mixture interpretation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 62nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, J. B. Kadane and R. W. Cotton, "A match likelihood ratio for DNA comparison", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 61st Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 21-Feb-2009.
- M. W. Perlin, A. Sinelnikov, E. Vey, M. Legler and M. Clarke, "Identifying victim remains from uncertain data", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 61st Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 21-Feb-2009.
- M. W. Perlin, J. B. Kadane and R. W. Cotton, "Forensic DNA inference", Seventh International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 21-Aug-2008.
- M. W. Perlin, "Exploring forensic scenarios with TrueAllele® mixture automation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 22-Feb-2007.
- M. W. Perlin, "Scientific validation of mixture interpretation methods", Promega's Seventeenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Nashville, TN, 10-Oct-2006.
- M. W. Perlin, "Real-time DNA investigation", Promega's Sixteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Dallas, TX, 27-Sep-2005.
- M. W. Perlin, "Simple reporting of complex DNA evidence: Automated computer interpretation", Promega's Fourteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Phoenix, AZ, 1-Oct-2003.
- M. W. Perlin, "Expert systems for automated STR analysis", Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), Quantico, VA, 14-Jan-2003.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated interpretation of forensic STR data", DNA Forensics Conference, Cambridge Healthtech Institute. Washington, DC, 2002.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated interpretation of forensic DNA data", Third Annual DNA Grantees' Workshop, National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Washington, DC, 2002.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated interpretation of forensic DNA data", Attorney General's Initiative on DNA Laboratory Backlogs (AGID-LAB), U.S. Department of Justice, Washingon, DC, 2002.
- M. W. Perlin, D. Coffman, C. A. Crouse, F. Konotop and J. D. Ban, "Automated STR data analysis: Validation studies", Promega's Twelfth International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 11-Oct-2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automating STR analysis", Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). Quantico, VA, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated STR analysis for DNA databases", Second Annual DNA Grantees' Workshop, National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Washington, DC, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automating STR analysis", Sixth CODIS User's Conference, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington, DC, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Fully automated computer analysis of forensic STR data", STR Analysis Workshop, 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), Seattle, WA, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "An expert system for scoring DNA database profiles", Promega's Eleventh International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 13-Oct-2000.
- M. W. Perlin, "Computer automation of STR scoring for forensic databases", First International Conference on Forensic Human Identification in The Millennium, London, UK, The Forensic Science Service, 26-Oct-1999.
- William P. Allan, MS, Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, Matthew M. Legler, BS, Jonathan Perlin, MS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Different TrueAllele® users, same DNA answer: a multi-center proficiency study", American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Conference, Baltimore, MD, 21-Feb-2025.
- W. Allan, J. Bracamontes, M. Legler, J. Perlin, M. Perlin, "Different TrueAllele® users, same DNA answer: a multi-center proficiency study", Promega's Thirty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 25-Sep-2024.
- J. M. Bracamontes, W. P. Allan, M. W. Perlin, "Defeating opposition experts using science in a recent case example", Promega's Thirty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 24-Sep-2024.
- K. Danser, J. Bracamontes, M. Legler, M. W. Perlin, "Getting more from less: low-level DNA mixtures on cartridges", Promega's Thirty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 24-Sep-2024.
- W. Allan, J. Bracamontes, K. Danser, M. Legler, M. W. Perlin, "All mixed up: Responding to flawed opposition case reports on complex DNA evidence", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 21-Sep-2023.
- M. Legler, J. Bracamontes, M. Van Buren, "TrueAllele® Casework validation of the Verogen ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit Primer Set B and the MiSeq FGX", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 20-Sep-2023.
- M. Legler, T. Nafziger, "Getting more from less: Information yield increases from STR data when using TrueAllele® Technology", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 20-Sep-2023.
- M. Legler, Z. Shawhan, J. Naylor, P. Berry, "Solving major crime from minor contributors: A case report using TrueAllele® Casework", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 20-Sep-2023.
- J. Bracamontes, E. Estus, M. W. Perlin, "Using exact LR distributions for probabilistic genotyping software validation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Orlando, FL, 15-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixture evidence and the need for accurate match statistics", Promega's Twenty Seventh International Symposium on Human Identification, Minneapolis, MN, 28-Sep-2016.
- G. Hampikian, M. W. Perlin, and F. L. Watson, "When DNA is not enough – exoneration through science", Promega's Twenty Seventh International Symposium on Human Identification, Minneapolis, MN, 27-Sep-2016.
- S. A. Greenspoon, L. Schiermeier-Wood, and B. C. Jenkins, "Further Exploration of TrueAllele® Casework", Promega's Twenty Sixth International Symposium on Human Identification, Grapevine, TX, 13-Oct-2015.
- K. Woolard, M. W. Perlin, and K. Miller, "'Inconclusive' three-person mixture yields guilty plea: TrueAllele genotype revival", Promega's Twenty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, Phoenix, AZ, 1-Oct-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, W. P. Allan, "TrueAllele speed for Grand Jury need: Same day reporting of complex mixture", Promega's Twenty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, Phoenix, AZ, 30-Sep-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, J. Hornyak, R. Dickover, G. Sugimoto, and K. Miller, "Assessing TrueAllele® genotype identification on DNA mixtures containing up to five unknown contributors", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 20-Feb-2014.
- J. A. Caponera, "Evaluating the specificity of genotypic inference with TrueAllele Casework software", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 20-Feb-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Getting past first Bayes with DNA mixtures", Promega's Twenty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Atlanta, GA, 10-Oct-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Kevin James Foley", Promega's Twenty Third International Symposium on Human Identification, Nashville, TN, 17-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Combining DNA evidence for greater match information", Promega's Twenty Second International Symposium on Human Identification, National Harbor, MD, 4-Oct-2011.
- K. E. Williams and M. W. Perlin, "An on-demand DNA information community", Promega's Twenty Second International Symposium on Human Identification, National Harbor, MD, 4-Oct-2011.
- M. C. Kline, C. R. Hill, E. L. R. Butts, D. L. Duewer, M. D. Coble, and J. M. Butler, "Examination of DNA mixture proportion variability using multiple STR typing kits and NIST standard reference material® 2391c component D", Promega's Twenty Second International Symposium on Human Identification, National Harbor, MD, 4-Oct-2011.
- M.C. Kline, E.L.R. Butts, C.R. Hill, M.D. Coble, D.L. Duewer, and J.M. Butler, "The new standard reference material® 2391c: PCR-based DNA profiling standard", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 1-Sep-2011.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "Combining DNA evidence for greater match information", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 1-Sep-2011.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "Investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 1-Sep-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Inclusion probability is a likelihood ratio: Implications for DNA mixtures", Promega's Twenty First International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 14-Oct-2010.