TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Death Needs Answers: the DNA Evidence

M.W. Perlin, "Death needs answers: the DNA evidence", The Cold-Blooded Murder of Dr. John Yelenic by Andrea Niapas, Christine Frechard Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 15-May-2013.


Materials from Dr. Mark Perlin's talk at Andrea Niapas' "Death Needs Answers" book launch.

PPTPowerPoint slides
PowerPoint handout


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Kevin Foley was a DNA landmark case where, for the first time, advanced statistical computing was used to interpret DNA mixture evidence. Dr. Perlin, two prosecutors and the author spoke at Andrea Niapas' book launch event. Dr. John Yelenic was brutally and tragically murdered, but the trial that convicted his killer bequeathed to society a powerful truth-seeking technology for bringing criminals to justice.