TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA


Cybergenetics press information.
On forensic DNA issues and more.

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  1. 21-Feb-25 - Cybergenetics presents at AAFS Conference

  2. 14-Feb-25 - Cybergenetics comments on SWGDAM PGS validation guidelines

  3. 30-Jan-25 - How error rates increase match statistic reliability

  4. 30-Jan-25 - Cybergenetics at 77th AAFS

  5. 29-Jan-25 - Maryland reliability ruling holds

  6. 26-Jan-25 - Looking forward to 2025

  7. 23-Jan-25 - TrueAllele LR distribution webinar

  8. 23-Jan-25 - New York v. Bittrolff post-conviction motion

  9. 1-Jan-25 - National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

    1. 2024

    2. 27-Nov-24 - NBC Dateline presents the first TrueAllele case

    3. 21-Nov-24 - How AI delivers accurate and objective forensic DNA evidence

    4. 31-Oct-24 - Teaching judges science

    5. 31-Oct-24 - Cybergenetics NGS timeline

    6. 25-Oct-24 - Cybergenetics CEO published in Diagnosis

    7. 20-Oct-24 - World Statistics Day

    8. 15-Oct-24 - Validated for 10 contributor mixtures

    9. 2-Oct-24 - Cybergenetics analyst testifies

    10. 1-Oct-24 - Cybergenetics 30th anniversary

    11. 26-Sep-24 - Maryland affirms admissibility

    12. 23-Sep-24 - Twenty-five years of forensic innovation

    13. 17-Aug-24 - New Indiana Innocence Project honors Cybergenetics

    14. 6-Aug-24 - Ohio v. Myers – Ignoring data could not stop exoneration

    15. 22-Jul-24 - Wisconsin v. Doxtator – TrueAllele helps solve 1963 cold case

    16. 16-Jul-24 - TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

    17. 20-Jun-24 - TrueAllele v. Other Software – Choosing data changes answer

    18. 31-May-24 - Ohio v. Carter – TrueAllele meets Daubert reliability standard

    19. 15-May-24 - Pennsylvania v. Schuback – TrueAllele aids murder conviction

    20. 12-May-24 - US v. Anderson – A defendant argues against science

    21. 10-May-24 - US v. Mills – The government argues against science

    22. 9-May-24 - Cybergenetics to present three talks at MAAFS Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh

    23. 31-Apr-24 - Cybergenetics makes available a new TrueAllele Reliability web resource

    24. 25-Apr-24 - When you need to contact Cybergenetics for a DNA reassessment

    25. 25-Apr-24 - How to use threshold-based DNA software on low-level mixture evidence

    26. 25-Apr-24 - Journal of Forensic Sciences publishes response Letter to Case Report

    27. 16-Apr-24 - TrueAllele solves uninterpretable DNA in mother and daughter double homicide

    28. 1-Apr-24 - TrueAllele connects victim to basement concrete in cold case homicide conviction

    29. 31-Mar-2024 - Opening the past for a better DNA future

    30. 31-Mar-2024 - The Miramar Murders TV show about the Pablo Ibar trial

    31. 31-Mar-2024 - Colorado forensic analysts manipulate DNA data

    32. 20-Mar-2024 - Pennsylvania prosecutors use TrueAllele in homicide guilty plea

    33. 8-Mar-2024 - Womenʼs History Month and Rosalind Franklinʼs double helix

    34. 29-Feb-2024 - TrueAllele helped convict Virginia child molester 12 years ago

    35. 11-Feb-2024 - Cybergenetics speaks at Young Women in Bio event

    36. 11-Feb-2024 - 11th International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    37. 3-Feb-2024 - TrueAllele exoneree Darryl Pinkins passes away

    38. 31-Jan-2024 - Human Trafficking Awareness and a Louisiana pistol rape

    39. 31-Jan-2024 - TrueAllele helps resolve Texas double murder DNA case

    40. 29-Jan-2024 - California crime lab is the first to bring NGS technology to court

    41. 20-Jan-2024 - Outstanding New York District Attorney honored by Bar Association

    42. 19-Jan-2024 - Cybergenetics helps California defendant rebut rape charges

    43. 15-Jan-2024 - Martin Luther King and Georgia exoneree Kerry Robinson

    44. 2023

    45. 20-Dec-2023 - Cybergenetics deployed new TrueAllele software capabilities and features in 2023

    46. 20-Dec-2023 - Cybergenetics attended many forensic conferences in 2023

    47. 20-Dec-2023 - Cybergenetics would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

    48. 20-Dec-2023 - TrueAllele cold case justice from New York City's "uninterpretable" DNA evidence

    49. 11-Dec-2023 - TrueAllele helps convict Pennsylvania man using “uninterpretable” DNA evidence

    50. 29-Nov-2023 - Cybergenetics talks to India about solving “uninterpretable” DNA with TrueAllele

    51. 28-Nov-2023 - Massachusetts case dismissed when TrueAllele reveals “uninterpretable” DNA is exculpatory

    52. 15-Nov-2023 - TrueAllele helps find justice for murdered Air Force veteran

    53. 5-Nov-2023 - TrueAllele exoneree Chris Tapp died this month

    54. 1-Nov-2023 - More federal courts rule TrueAllele is admissible scientific evidence

    55. 1-Nov-2023 - Child Safety Protection Month

    56. 31-Oct-2023 - Domestic Violence Awareness month

    57. 5-Oct-2023 - Students visit Cybergenetics

    58. 28-Sep-2023 - Exonerees Birch and Henning receive $25 million settlement

    59. 28-Sep-2023 - TrueAllele identifies South African bus crash victims using kinship

    60. 11-Sep-2023 - Cybergenetics remembers the World Trade Center victims

    61. 31-Aug-2023 - Cybergenetics to present four ISHI posters on TrueAllele technology

    62. 31-Aug-2023 - TrueAllele supports NGS - Next Generation Sequencing

    63. 15-Aug-2023 - Norma Lopez cold case homicide presented at CHIA conference

    64. 3-Aug-2023 - Reply to nonresponsive Thompson response

    65. 31-Jul-2023 - Cybergenetics cold case – Wisconsin college student

    66. 31-Jul-2023 - University of California professor gets the DNA wrong

    67. 30-Jun-2023 - Kern County presents its NGS findings at 2023 AAFS conference

    68. 27-Jun-2023 - Tennessee Cobra Bar double murderer gets life in prison

    69. 22-Jun-2023 - TrueAllele helps acquit New York man of cold case murder

    70. 8-Jun-2023 - Cybergenetics response to Thompson is highest-ranked SSRN forensics paper

    71. 6-Jun-2023 - TrueAllele helps deliver justice in college footballer shooting

    72. 23-May-2023 - University of Chicago Chancellor Robert Zimmer, 1947-2023

    73. 18-May-2023 - Response to Thompson article in the Journal of Forensic Sciences

    74. 19-Apr-2023 - Cybergenetics attends Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators conference

    75. 13-Apr-2023 - TrueAllele helps deliver justice in Pittsburgh cop killing

    76. 22-Mar-2023 - TrueAllele helps Michael Robinson clear his name after thirty years

    77. 3-Mar-2023 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele helps convict a New York home theft murderer

    78. 16-Feb-2023 - Cybergenetics presents at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting

    79. 2022

    80. 30-Sep-2022 - TrueAllele supports NGS technology with SNP, Indel and STR markers

    81. 30-Sep-2022 - Cybergenetics launches new website for better user experience

    82. 30-Sep-2022 - Cybergenetics awarded another US patent for error rate determination

    83. 30-Sep-2022 - Why error rates are needed for reliable DNA evidence

    84. 31-Aug-2022 - Cleveland breaks up car theft gang with TrueAllele Database

    85. 21-Aug-2022 - TrueAllele Database helps identify victims of terror

    86. 30-Jun-2022 - Alan Turing - genius and forensic pioneer

    87. 30-Jun-2022 - DNA matching database solves car theftpioneer

    88. 30-Jun-2022 - Getting full DNA profiles from handguns

    89. 30-Jun-2022 - No one is safe from gun violence

    90. 30-Jun-2022 - TrueAllele handles guns touched by many people

    91. 2021

    92. 11-Sep-2021 - Cybergenetics 9/11 mass disaster TrueAllele technology revolutionized forensic DNA databasing

    93. 25-Jun-2021 - Forensic® News DNA Matters column on exonerating the innocent

    94. 28-May-2021 - Forensic® News DNA Matters column on how to use the likelihood ratio

    95. 30-Apr-2021 - Forensic® News launches new DNA Matters column by Cybergenetics founder

    96. 13-Mar-2021 - NBC Dateline features the first-ever probabilistic genotyping case – TrueAllele challenge in Pennsylvania v. Foley

    97. 16-Feb-2021 - Hudson County files motion for reconsideration in New Jersey TrueAllele source code ruling

    98. 22-Jan-2021 - TrueAllele validation paper chosen as a 2020 Noteworthy Article by the Journal of Forensic Sciences

    99. 14-Jan-2021 - Solve crime and free the innocent with Cybergenetics is the topic of a new DNA Weekly interview

    100. 2020

    101. 29-Jul-2020 - Pittsburgh Technology Council interviews Cybergenetics about better DNA justice through TrueAllele science

    102. 27-Jul-2020 - Forensic Magazine scrutinizes proposed bill that would reduce innovation in Forensic Science

    103. 23-Jun-2020 - The government wants to take away your right to use independent forensic software

    104. 15-May-2020 - Johnny Lee Gates freed after 43 years in prison after TrueAllele reanalyzes DNA evidence

    105. 6-Apr-2020 - Pennsylvania Superior Court grants Scott Hopkins new trial in 1979 slaying of Janet Walsh

    106. 2-Apr-2020 - TrueAllele finds match for DNA mixture in 12-year-old murder of college student

    107. 27-Mar-2020 - Cybergenetics providing criminal justice services for DNA evidence during COVID-19 pandemic

    108. 13-Mar-2020 - Georgia Supreme Court affirms Johnny Lee Gates right to a new trial based on TrueAllele evidence

    109. 16-Jan-2020 - TrueAllele handgun testing and the Jimmy Meders execution

    110. 2019

    111. 26-Nov-2019 - Historic TrueAllele CODIS search frees Lydell Grant from Texas prison

    112. 18-Nov-2019 - Dateline extra – Hear more from DNA expert Dr. Mark Perlin

    113. 15-Nov-2019 - NBC Dateline presents the first TrueAllele case

    114. 23-Oct-2019 - TrueAllele wins more Georgia admissibility challenges

    115. 3-Oct-2019 - TrueAllele® validated for complex DNA mixtures containing ten contributors

    116. 15-Aug-2019 - New York appellate court establishes statewide TrueAllele precedent in Wakefield

    117. 19-Jul-2019 - New HBO documentary on 2011 strangling death of twelve-year-old Potsdam boy

    118. 2-Jul-2019 - TrueAllele cigar box DNA helps free Ralph Birch after thirty years in Connecticut prison

    119. 24-May-2019 - Cybergenetics files infringement suit to enforce DNA mixture analysis patents

    120. 22-May-2019 - Pablo Ibar escapes death penalty in Casey’s Nickelodeon triple murder

    121. 30-Apr-2019 - WPXI television reports Cybergenetics science solves DNA crime

    122. 9-Apr-2019 - Kern County families march to honor homicide victims and remember unsolved crimes

    123. 1-Apr-2019 - Cybergenetics discusses the "inconclusive" DNA evidence in Madeleine McCann missing child case on Australian television news

    124. 20-Mar-2019 - Cybergenetics DNA evidence helps convict California killer of teenager Norma Lopez

    125. 21-Feb-2019 - DNA transfer for lawyers - Continuing Legal Education

    126. 15-Feb-2019 - Georgia TrueAllele admissibility leads to killer conviction

    127. 19-Jan-2019 - Pablo Ibar convicted in Casey's Nickelodeon triple murder after TrueAllele unmixes DNA evidence

    128. 10-Jan-2019 - TrueAllele helps Johnny Lee Gates get a new trial after forty years in prison

    129. 2018

    130. 2-Nov-2018 - Pittsburgh thanks you for all your support

    131. 8-Oct-2018 - New foundational paper on forensic error and validation

    132. 21-Sep-2018 - Forensic Magazine feature: How human bias alters DNA software results

    133. 20-Aug-2018 - Dr. Mark Perlin writes in The Champion magazine about DNA mixture failure

    134. 31-Jul-2018 - DNA transfer in Fauquier county: The CVS murder

    135. 30-Jul-2018 - Cybergenetics scientist to teach forensic DNA course

    136. 24-Jul-2018 - Smart Business magazine on Cybergenetics courtroom communication

    137. 15-Jun-2018 - 27 zeros in 24 hours

    138. 21-May-2018 - Cybergenetics DNA transfer testimony helps convict Pittsburgh shooter

    139. 4-May-2018 - Crime lab scientist talks about TrueAllele automation for DNA evidence

    140. 26-Apr-2018 - TrueAllele clears West Virginia man of rape

    141. 18-Apr-2018 - Two men exonerated by TrueAllele sue Indiana police

    142. 30-Mar-2018 - Forensic Magazine feature article: TrueAllele exonerates innocent men

    143. 29-Mar-2018 - College town rapists convicted by handgun DNA mixtures

    144. 5-Mar-2018 - TrueAllele helps convict cold-case killer in Nebraska

    145. 20-Feb-2018 - TrueAllele validates confession in drug-related murder

    146. 10-Jan-2018 - TrueAllele analysis of wrist DNA spurs plea deal

    147. 2017

    148. 7-Dec-2017 - Cybergenetics wins Business Times innovation award for forensic science

    149. 4-Dec-2017 - SDDA Cynthia Zimmer explains DNA evidence in serial rape case

    150. 14-Nov-2017 - Diverse legal program packs the courtroom for modern DNA evidence

    151. 9-Nov-2017 - Cybergenetics chief scientist receives Smart 50 Impact Award

    152. 2-Nov-2017 - Cybergenetics testifies about gun DNA in Xbox shooting

    153. 27-Oct-2017 - Justice Through Science DNA conference

    154. 17-Oct-2017 - Partly burned, bloody baseball bat still yields DNA for TrueAllele

    155. 12-Oct-2017 - Cybergenetics wins 2017 Tech 50 award as innovative technology solution provider

    156. 9-Oct-2017 - DNA exoneree Roosevelt Glenn to speak in Pittsburgh in November

    157. 5-Oct-2017 - NIST launches wasteful study that undermines science and justice

    158. 5-Oct-2017 - Gang enforcer meets justice with TrueAllele computer results

    159. 2-Oct-2017 - Restaurant robber with semi-automatic weapon nabbed by TrueAllele DNA results

    160. 23-Sep-2017 - Dr. Perlin accepts Foundation for Improvement of Justice Chapman Award

    161. 19-Sep-2017 - ACLU zealots march against truth-seeking DNA technology

    162. 18-Sep-2017 - TrueAllele analysis helps to mitigate sentencing of West Virginia shooter

    163. 15-Sep-2017 - General random match probability for DNA mixtures

    164. 12-Sep-2017 - TrueAllele interprets 7-person DNA mixture in gang killing

    165. 28-Aug-2017 - TrueAllele gets DNA results from inconclusive Pennsylvania DNA evidence

    166. 24-Aug-2017 - Pittsburgh Innovation podcast interviews Cybergenetics

    167. 18-Aug-2017 - Cybergenetics President David accepts STRONG Award

    168. 14-Aug-2017 - Indiana killer linked by holster DNA after staged suicide

    169. 7-Aug-2017 - Cybergenetics selected as a Pittsburgh Tech 50 Awards Finalist

    170. 30-Jul-2017 - New book on cold case investigations, DNA assistance

    171. 25-Jul-2017 - Cybergenetics scientist Perlin receives Chapman Award for improving justice

    172. 18-Jul-2017 - US government awards patent to Dr. Mark Perlin

    173. 11-Jul-2017 - Pittsburgh's public radio news station posts DNA interview

    174. 7-Jul-2017 - Response to the New York Times: Computers are helping justice

    175. 7-Jul-2017 - Cybergenetics Jennifer Hornyak testifies in retrial of New York gang leader

    176. 4-Jul-2017 - Public Radio's Criminal Injustice podcast interviews Cybergenetics

    177. 3-Jul-2017 - Investigation Discovery channel airs "Guilty Until Proven Innocent"

    178. 21-Jun-2017 - Cybergenetics William Allan testifies in Louisiana homicide case

    179. 19-Jun-2017 - Australia newspaper features Xie "Stain 91" solved by TrueAllele

    180. 16-Jun-2017 - Cybergenetics responds to the New York Times – Computers are helping justice

    181. 13-Jun-2017 - Louisiana felon linked to gun, pleads guilty

    182. 12-Jun-2017 - Cybergenetics responds to inaccurate Allegheny County crime lab statements

    183. 8-Jun-2017 - Measuring DNA information provides needed crime lab incentives

    184. 31-May-2017 - Cybergenetics and crime labs overcome challenges to TrueAllele

    185. 26-May-2017 - Cybergenetics scientists present three talks at MAAFS conference

    186. 26-May-2017 - TrueAllele accepted as reliable evidence after Louisiana challenge

    187. 25-May-2017 - Cybergenetics analyzes drug packet DNA in Pennsylvania guilty plea

    188. 25-May-2017 - TrueAllele connects New Hampshire killer to handgun DNA

    189. 15-May-2017 - TrueAllele results support ex-boyfriend conviction in stabbing death

    190. 11-May-2017 - Marine Corps prosecutors secure pretrial agreement with TrueAllele results

    191. 10-May-2017 - Cybergenetics testifies for acquitted defendant in Pittsburgh double homicide

    192. 10-May-2017 - Ohio woman pleads guilty in shooting death after TrueAllele analysis

    193. 10-May-2017 - Cybergenetics testifies for acquitted defendant in Pittsburgh double homicide

    194. 28-Apr-2017 - Improvements for proposed Pennsylvania DNA legislation

    195. 26-Apr-2017 - Helping stay executions in Harris County, Texas

    196. 25-Apr-2017 - Cybergenetics sexual assault awareness month activities

    197. 20-Apr-2017 - Supreme Court lets Arkansas execute Ledell Lee

    198. 20-Apr-2017 - Bringing DNA back into cases helps secure guilty pleas

    199. 14-Apr-2017 - Speaking science to students at Penn State Beaver

    200. 3-Apr-2017 - Response to Governor Wolf's sexual assault awareness month proclamation

    201. 31-Mar-2017 - TrueAllele helps release Christopher Tapp from Idaho prison

    202. 17-Mar-2017 - AAFS talk on manipulating DNA evidence

    203. 10-Mar-2017 - AAFS talk on Pinkins exoneration

    204. 17-Feb-2017 - Cybergenetics scientist presents three AAFS talks

    205. 14-Feb-2017 - Dante Washington gets 36 to 72 years in state prison

    206. 13-Feb-2017 - Robert Xie gets five consecutive life sentences

    207. 10-Feb-2017 - Speaking truth to power in Washington

    208. 9-Feb-2017 - David Black gets two consecutive life sentences

    209. 3-Feb-2017 - Indiana talk on Darryl Pinkins exoneration

    210. 30-Jan-2017 - Roosevelt Glenn exonerated by TrueAllele science of 1989 rape

    211. 20-Jan-2017 - Indiana talk on TrueAllele admissibility

    212. 13-Jan-2017 - Indiana legal education on DNA mixture problem and solution

    213. 13-Jan-2017 - TechVibe Radio interviews Cybergenetics

    214. 12-Jan-2017 - Seattle judge rules on TrueAllele admissibility and source code

    215. 12-Jan-2017 - Robert Xie convicted of quintuple family murder

    216. 2016

    217. 19-Dec-2016 - Neohuman podcast interviews Cybergenetics Mark Perlin

    218. 16-Dec-2016 - What judges should know about DNA mixtures

    219. 16-Dec-2016 - Cybergenetics responds to letter from Hillary prosecutor

    220. 15-Dec-2016 - Cybergenetics testifies about taxicab DNA evidence in cabbie shooting

    221. 11-Dec-2016 - Louisiana human trafficker convicted of aggravated rape and battery

    222. 9-Dec-2016 - Cold case talk on Mr. Hopkins invisible semen

    223. 6-Dec-2016 - Cybergenetics CLE lecture for Indiana prosecutors

    224. 1-Dec-2016 - The Investigator magazine interviews Cybergenetics Ria David

    225. 23-Nov-2016 - Cybergenetics addresses PCAST in Washington

    226. 21-Nov-2016 - Judge denies request for TrueAllele hearing based on PCAST

    227. 18-Nov-2016 - Cybergenetics talks to PCAST about forensic transparency

    228. 17-Nov-2016 - Cybergenetics explains the Hillary acquittal at a Legal Aid Society conference

    229. 8-Nov-2016 - Virginia man convicted of killing his wife

    230. 4-Nov-2016 - ProPublica reports on TrueAllele analysis of DNA evidence

    231. 3-Nov-2016 - Defending against DNA mixture evidence

    232. 21-Oct-2016 - TrueAllele widely accepted as reliable science

    233. 14-Oct-2016 - Overcoming bias in DNA mixture interpretation

    234. 13-Oct-2016 - Louisiana drug dealer pleads guilty to homicide

    235. 7-Oct-2016 - The probative power of DNA mixtures

    236. 28-Sep-2016 - Hillary acquitted of Potsdam murder by New York judge

    237. 16-Sep-2016 - Cybergenetics responds to President’s PCAST report on forensic DNA

    238. 8-Sep-2016 - New York judge again precludes STRmix from Hillary trial

    239. 2-Sep-2016 - Pittsburgh-based TechVibe Radio interviews Cybergenetics President Ria David

    240. 28-Aug-2016 - Pittsburgh newspaper publishes series on Cybergenetics technology

    241. 26-Aug-2016 - STRmix precluded as inadmissible DNA evidence in Hillary case

    242. 3-Aug-2016 - TrueAllele admitted into evidence after tenth admissibility challenge

    243. 17-Jul-2016 - Indianapolis Star features TrueAllele exoneration of Darryl Pinkins

    244. 12-Jul-2016 - Cybergenetics alerts NIST to possible commercial conflict

    245. 3-Jun-2016 - TrueAllele admitted in ninth state after challenge in Indiana drug case

    246. 19-May-2016 - Allen Wade convicted of murdering Susan and Sarah Wolfe

    247. 17-May-2016 - The Atlantic magazine on "The False Promise of DNA Testing"

    248. 12-May-2016 - TrueAllele testimony in the Allen Wade trial for the Wolfe sisters double homicide

    249. 25-Apr-2016 - TrueAllele helps free innocent Indiana man after 24 years in prison

    250. 21-Apr-2016 - Pennsylvania appellate court denies source code petition for review

    251. 4-Apr-2016 - Washington prosecutors respond to defense motion for source code

    252. 18-Mar-2016 - Martell Chubbs pleads no contest to second degree murder in cold case murder of teenage mother

    253. 18-Mar-2016 - Allegheny County public defenders withdraw TrueAllele source code appeal in Wolfe sisters double homicide

    254. 10-Mar-2016 - Handprints in the morning dew links killers to crime

    255. 4-Mar-2016 - TrueAllele resolves five person DNA mixture on a handgun used in Syracuse shooting

    256. 22-Feb-2016 - Call for investigation into New York State Police DNA cover up

    257. 4-Feb-2016 - Pennsylvania court ruling denies source code discovery request

    258. 15-Jan-2016 - Driver in Louisiana armed robbery immigrant slaying convicted of homicide

    259. 2015

    260. 8-Dec-2015 - New York motion filed on why STRmix is not TrueAllele

    261. 1-Dec-2015 - Australia Xie trial ends in hung jury

    262. 17-Nov-2015 - TrueAllele mixture analysis places New Orleans killer at crime scene

    263. 16-Nov-2015 - Forensic Magazine article on CPI as 'Random Number Generator' study

    264. 11-Nov-2015 - Australia jury to consider verdict in marathon Robert Xie quintuple homicide case

    265. 10-Nov-2015 - Baltimore crime lab goes live with TrueAllele Casework

    266. 29-Oct-2015 - Judge to allow TrueAllele evidence in deaths of Wolfe sisters

    267. 28-Oct-2015 - Cybergenetics study published on the validity of CPI match statistic

    268. 27-Oct-2015 - TrueAllele admitted into evidence after South Carolina admissibility hearing

    269. 17-Oct-2015 - Ars Technica magazine writes about TrueAllele mixture technology

    270. 4-Oct-2015 - Did New York State Police scapegoat its crime lab scientists?

    271. 2-Oct-2015 - TrueAllele helps Indiana Innocence Project with DNA mixture evidence for Darryl Pinkins

    272. 25-Sep-2015 - Cutting edge DNA evidence seminar for Pennsylvania defense lawyers

    273. 24-Sep-2015 - Michael Gardner pleads guilty in two child sex abuse cases

    274. 21-Sep-2015 - Cybergenetics interviewed on KQV’s “The Public Forum” radio show

    275. 18-Sep-2015 - TrueAllele helps convict Louisiana man of molesting young girl

    276. 10-Aug-2015 - Pittsburgh Tech Council announces Cybergenetics as Tech50 Finalist

    277. 10-Aug-2015 - Virginia publishes TrueAllele validation study on complex DNA mixtures

    278. 27-Jul-2015 - Virginia man pleads guilty to killing elderly Colonial Heights couple

    279. 22-Jul-2015 - Cybergenetics presents TrueAllele solution at international NIST meeting

    280. 17-Jul-2015 - New JFS paper validates TrueAllele on up to five unknown contributors

    281. 15-Jul-2015 - TrueAllele mixture analysis instrumental in Indiana innocence case

    282. 12-Jul-2015 - Post-Gazette Sunday feature on how TrueAllele helps solve incest rape

    283. 6-Jul-2015 - STEM teenagers learn about the math and science of TrueAllele

    284. 23-Jun-2015 - Cybergenetics scientist testifies in Australia trial about mixture of relatives

    285. 27-May-2015 - Wakefield sentenced to life in prison for murder in upstate New York

    286. 20-May-2015 - MAAFS presentation “Rapid DNA Response: On the Wings of TrueAllele”

    287. 19-May-2015 - Bakersfield "East Side Rapist" sentenced to life plus 423 years

    288. 18-May-2015 - TrueAllele education and the New York State Police

    289. 16-May-2015 - CBS “48 Hours”: Exculpatory DNA may have sent an innocent man to prison

    290. 15-May-2015 - FBI opens software procurement to fair and open competition

    291. 8-May-2015 - Baltimore jury hears TrueAllele before convicting "consent" rapist

    292. 20-Mar-2015 - DNA technology crucial in murder conviction of John Wakefield

    293. 2014

    294. 12-Sep-2014 - Serial rapist found guilty in first New York trial using TrueAllele

    295. 6-Sep-2014 - California newspaper features how Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA analysis helps gain convictions

    296. 19-Jun-2014 - Jury takes less than an hour to convict rapist

    297. 26-May-2014 - Latest in DNA analysis gains wider acceptance

    298. 24-Apr-2014 - Wade ordered to stand trial on homicide charges in deaths of East Liberty sisters

    299. 18-Apr-2014 - Man sentenced to 75-150 years for rape

    300. 11-Mar-2014 - Firm to help police analyze DNA found in East Liberty double murder

    301. 6-Mar-2014 - Investigators use Pittsburgh company to examine DNA in Wolfe sisters' deaths

    302. 28-Feb-2014 - Allegheny County crime lab vying to use more advanced DNA database: Technology developed by Cybergenetics gets conclusive results from DNA mixtures

    303. 24-Jan-2014 - Pittsburgh neighborhood newspaper writes how Mark Perlin develops hi-tech analysis for DNA samples

    304. 6-Jan-2014 - Cybergenetics Chief Scientist featured in "People to know around Pittsburgh in the New Year"

    305. 2013

    306. 20-May-2013 - KDKA news televises report on Cybergenetics scientist taking DNA testing to new levels

    307. 15-May-2013 - Author Andrea Niapas and guest speakers discuss her new book about Dr. John Yelenic's murder and the TrueAllele DNA evidence

    308. 30-Apr-2013 - KGET news televises report on gang sentencing and TrueAllele DNA mixture results

    309. 19-Apr-2013 - Corrections to NIST mixture interpretation webcast misstatements about TrueAllele Casework

    310. 20-Feb-2013 - KGET television news reports Cybergenetics DNA technology helps convict criminals

    311. 2012

    312. 14-Sep-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele computer contradicts innocence claim of New Orleans rape convict who was nearly set free

    313. 04-Sep-2012 - TrueAllele computer analyzes DNA mixture evidence that links McKeesport man to homicide

    314. 21-Jun-2012 - Cybergenetics matches DNA mixture to Virginia man convicted of child abduction and assault

    315. 11-Jun-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA evidence helps convict Virginia man of homicide

    316. 02-May-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA match helps convict Falls Church man of molesting Virginia girls

    317. 13-Apr-2012 - Pennsylvania man held for trial after Cybergenetics presents TrueAllele DNA match at homicide hearing

    318. 02-Apr-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA mixture interpretation helps convict Nigerian rapist in Allegheny County

    319. 30-Mar-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele computes DNA match statistic that aids homicide arrest

    320. 05-Mar-2012 - KDKA news televises report on Cybergenetics TrueAllele revolutionizing forensic DNA analysis

    321. 28-Feb-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA mixture analysis helps convict Virginia man of armed robbery

    322. 24-Feb-2012 - Cybergenetics gives talk on combining DNA evidence for greater match information at American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting

    323. 23-Feb-2012 - Cybergenetics gives talk on investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information at American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting

    324. 18-Feb-2012 - Pittsburgh Post Gazette publishes feature article on wider acceptance of Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA analysis

    325. 15-Feb-2012 - Pennsylvania Superior Court publishes Cybergenetics TrueAllele precedent from Foley homicide

    326. 12-Jan-2012 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele helps convict Northern Ireland man in Massereene murder and paves the way for DNA computing

    327. 04-Jan-2012 - Pennsylvania appeals court affirms Cybergenetics TrueAllele admissibility for DNA mixture evidence in Foley case

    328. 2011

    329. 01-Dec-2011 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA evidence allowed in United Kingdom Massereene homicide trial

    330. 02-Nov-2011 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele forensic DNA mixture interpretation validation study on adjudicated cases published in Journal of Forensic Sciences

    331. 25-Oct-2011 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA mixture testimony in US Marine Corps court martial helps secure conviction

    332. 24-Oct-2011 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele 100 sextillion DNA match statistic testimony helps convict Maryland man on bank robbery charges in federal court

    333. 03-Oct-2011 - National Institute of Standards and Technology develops DNA mixture standards using Cybergenetics TrueAllele gold standard computing tool

    334. 03-Sep-2011 - National Institute of Standards and Technology presents DNA mixture validation study on Cybergenetics TrueAllele Casework at international forensics conference

    335. 03-Aug-2011 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele testimony helps convict Virginia man on drug and firearms charges in federal court

    336. 20-Jul-2011 - Reliable Cybergenetics TrueAllele computer DNA mixture method used to prove new forensic DNA laboratory concept

    337. 27-Jun-2011 - New York State Commission on Forensic Science approves Cybergenetics TrueAllele for forensic casework

    338. 26-Jun-2011 - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette publishes feature article on Cybergenetics trailblazing TrueAllele computer technology for solving crimes through better DNA identification

    339. 20-May-2011 - New York State DNA Subcommittee scientists unanimously recommend regulatory approval of Cybergenetics TrueAllele for forensic casework

    340. 13-May-2011 - Cybergenetics presents at Duquesne University continuing education course for lawyers on familial DNA database search

    341. 01-May-2011 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele nine trillion DNA match testimony helps convict Reading, PA killer

    342. 04-Mar-2011 - Cybergenetics presents continuing education course for lawyers on TrueAllele and Foley DNA evidence at Allegheny County Courthouse

    343. 25-Feb-2011 - Cybergenetics gives Sherlock Holmes and DNA likelihood ratio match statistic talk at American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting

    344. 2010

    345. 08-Oct-2010 - Cybergenetics presents continuing education course for lawyers on TrueAllele and Foley DNA evidence at Duquesne University

    346. 13-Apr-2010 - Cybergenetics three day TrueAllele training workshop for New York State crime laboratories done on Apple computers

    347. 25-Feb-2010 - Cybergenetics presents TrueAllele DNA validation and case studies at American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting

    348. 14-Jan-2010 - New FBI SWGDAM guidelines allow probabilistic genotype DNA mixture interpretation - Cybergenetics TrueAllele complies with standard

    349. 2009

    350. 16-Dec-2009 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele forensic DNA mixture interpretation validation study on known samples published in PLoS ONE journal

    351. 12-Mar-2009 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele 189 billion DNA match testimony helps convict Blairsville PA killer

    352. 21-Feb-2009 - Cybergenetics presents TrueAllele DNA interpretation studies at American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting

    353. 17-Feb-2009 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele computer interpretation of DNA evidence admissible in court

    354. 2006

    355. 28-Nov-2006 - FBI approves Cybergenetics TrueAllele expert system for CODIS DNA database

    356. 08-Sep-2006 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele analyzes DNA evidence from World Trade Center terrorist attack

    357. 2004

    358. 27-Jul-2004 - Cybergenetics works with AFDIL to provide DNA security for Athens Olympics using TrueAllele Databank technology

    359. 21-Jul-2004 - Cybergenetics provides TrueAllele volume crime DNA solution to United Kingdom

    360. 01-Jul-2004 - Journal of Forensic Sciences publishes Cybergenetics TrueAllele Databank expert system DNA validation paper

    361. 2001

    362. 15-Nov-2001 - Cybergenetics awarded National Institute of Justice grant for validating TrueAllele Casework computer interpretation of forensic DNA mixtures

    363. 2000

    364. 05-Oct-2000 - Cybergenetics awarded National Institute of Justice TrueAllele Databank validation grant for DNA reference samples

    365. 24-Mar-2000 - Cybergenetics TrueAllele eliminates United Kingdom DNA database backlog