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TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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TrueAllele® helps Indiana Innocence Project with DNA mixture evidence for Darryl Pinkins

Indianapolis, IN

In June the Indiana Court of Appeals granted client Darryl Pinkins the right to pursue a successor state post-conviction action. Professor Francis Watson at the Indiana University McKinney Wrongful Conviction Clinic spearheaded this effort. Professor Watson presented analysis and conclusions prepared pro bono by experts Dr. Mark Perlin of Cybergenetics and Professor Greg Hampikian of the Idaho Innocence Project.

This progress was announced by IU McKinney School of Law during their commemoration of international Wrongful Conviction Day. TrueAllele Casework is an automated computerized DNA interpretation system that rapidly infers genetic profiles from all types of DNA evidence samples. Importantly, by virtue of TrueAllele science and the Indiana court’s authorization to proceed to an evidentiary hearing, Darryl Pinkins has the opportunity to establish his innocence. Moreover, the genotypes of the real perpetrators are available for the pursuit of justice.

  • Wrongful Conviction Day to be Commemorated at IU McKinney - Article

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