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TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Cybergenetics William Allan testifies in Louisiana homicide case

Baton Rouge, LA

On October 5, 2014, two teens shot and killed Hancy Sanchez during a front-porch robbery. Along with other items, police collected a jacket and a gun. Both items showed complex, five-person mixture data. The Louisiana State Laboratory submitted the DNA data for Cybergenetics TrueAlelle® analysis, which "unmixes" the genotypes in mixtures. Cybergenetics was retained.

On June 21, Cybergenetics Casework Supervisor William Allan testified in Baton Rouge, LA. After qualifying as a DNA expert witness, he scientifically explained how James Fitzgerald Mills Jr. was linked to the gun and the jacket. TrueAllele computing found concordant results on multiple runs, producing match statistics in the millions and billions. On June 22, Mr. Mills was found guilty of second-degree murder.

  • Baton Rouge man found guilty in 2014 slaying of Honduran man on Staring Lane - The Advocate
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