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TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Cybergenetics response to Thompson is highest-ranked SSRN forensics paper

Cybergenetics responded to over a hundred statements made in a highly flawed Case Report published by Bill Thompson (University of California). Our response is now the most downloaded Forensic Science preprint paper on Elsevierʼs Social Science Research Network (SSRN) repository.

For example, analyzing a DNA mixture of two people can require at least 4 peaks per locus. Thompson preferred foreign STR mixture soware averaged just 1.7 locus peaks – clearly insuicient for a meaningful answer. Working as an opposition consultant, his partisan report ignored TrueAllele's use of all the DNA data to find accurate match statistics.

Learn how to properly analyze DNA mixtures and write accurate case reports. Read Cybergenetics top-ranked response.


  • Reporting exclusionary results on complex DNA evidence, a case report response - SSRN
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