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Cybergenetics wins 2017 Tech 50 award as innovative technology solution provider

Pittsburgh, PA

Cybergenetics team wins 2017 Tech 50 awards
Cybergenetics team members hold the 2017 Pittsburgh Tech 50 award for Solution Provider of the Year: Innovative Technology. Shown from left to right: Analyst Beatriz Pujols, President Dr. Ria David, CEO/CSO Dr. Mark Perlin, and Scientist Dr. David Bauer.

At its annual Tech 50 Wyndham Grand banquet, the Pittsburgh Technology Council named Cybergenetics "Solution Provider of the Year: Innovative Technology."

Cybergenetics was recognized for its TrueAllele® technology that interprets DNA data from crime scene evidence. The artificial intelligence technology is the sole objective solution to previously unsolvable DNA mixtures. Around the globe, communities become safer and more just with Cybergenetics scientific computing.

K&L Gates law partner David Lehman announced the winner. Chief Executive and Scientist Dr. Mark Perlin accepted the Tech 50 award for Cybergenetics.

Dr. Perlin thanked Pittsburgh three times. He praised the city's hospitals, universities and people for fostering science innovation. He lauded the county's courts, prosecutors and defenders for promoting justice innovation. And he extolled the nurturing region for enabling a national impact on justice through science.

Cybergenetics gratefully thanks the Pittsburgh Technology Council for this prestigious and coveted award, and deeply appreciates the Council's honoring the company's innovations and contributions.

The Tech Council had interviewed Cybergenetics on their KDKA TechVibe Radio show earlier this year.

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