TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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New York State Subcommittee

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 20-May-2011.


On May 20, 2011 the New York State DNA Subcommittee offered a binding recommendation to the Commission on Forensic Science that TrueAllele be approved for forensic casework.


DNA Identification as an Information Science

PowerPoint presentation with live audio recording of Dr. Mark Perlin's talk at the New York State DNA Subcommittee.

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New York State Police TrueAllele® Validation

PowerPoint presentation with live audio recording of Russell Gettig's talk at the New York State DNA Subcommittee.

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Suffolk County TrueAllele® Validation

PowerPoint handout and slide presentations of Joseph Galdi's talk at the New York State DNA Subcommittee.

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DNA Subcommittee approval

Video recording of the New York State DNA Subcommittee approval of the TrueAllele® Casework technology.

Download Subcommittee Approval Letter (pdf)