TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Computer interpretation of touch DNA mixtures

M.W. Perlin, "Computer interpretation of touch DNA mixtures", Seminar for Chiefs of Police in Western Pennsylvania, CSI Investigators Series, Pittsburgh, PA, 13-May-2014.

This seminar was sponsored by CSI Investigators. The moderators were Louis Gentile and Robert Meinert.


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DNA evidence is usually mixtures of two or more people. While the crime lab's DNA data may be excellent, their simple rules for interpreting mixture data do not work well. In fact, most DNA mixture evidence is statistically underreported or discarded entirely as "inconclusive". Cybergenetics TrueAllele computer analysis scientifically analyzes DNA mixture data to give an accurate match statistic, restoring the identification information that crimes labs routinely throw away. This seminar shows how TrueAllele is used in criminal justice to obtain reliable results from unused DNA evidence.