TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Teaching Judges Science

The National Courts and Science Institute (NCSI) convened a two-day October workshop for judges in Kansas City, MO on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the law. Cybergenetics Chief Scientist Dr. Mark Perlin spoke to them for two hours about “Finding truth in evidence using computational intelligence.”

The foundation was Dr. Perlinʼs expert witness testimony in NY v. Wakefield, the DNA mixture homicide case that established TrueAllele precedent in New York. The expert reviewed judicial decisions by the trial court, Supreme Court, and High Court. He explained how Bayesian data analysis extracts and preserves more DNA information than other approaches.

The NCSI judges saw courtroom testimony, demonstrative aids for the jury, validation studies establishing TrueAllele scientific reliability, ground- breaking DNA convictions, and justice-delivering exonerations from previously “uninformative” DNA evidence. Dr. Perlin showed how accurate and objective Bayesian AI finds new truth in old evidence.

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