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Cybergenetics presents at AAFS Conference
Cybergenetics will be presenting at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) conference held in Baltimore, Maryland from February 19th to 22nd. In addition to being available at Cybergenetics trade show booth (#104), our forensic analysts will deliver two TrueAllele® talks and give a poster presentation (B138) on Friday, February 21st.
Any data, same answer
11:30 - 1:00 PM - Different TrueAllele Users, Same DNA Answer: A Multi-Center Proficiency Study - Poster Presentation prepared by William Allan, MASc
- Objective TrueAllele® genotyping gets the same DNA match statistics when given the same data. It doesn’t matter what laboratory, or which analyst, is running the software. The answers don’t depend on DNA sequencer or STR kit. TrueAllele learns lab parameters directly from the evidence data; no software calibration is needed. Our multi-center study supports these findings.
Rebutting DNA rhetoric
1:45 - 2:10 PM - Overcoming Unscientific Opposing Arguments Using Relevant Data - Talk by Jennifer Bracamontes, MS
- Opposition lawyers and experts devise flawed arguments to attack reliable scientific evidence. This presentation gives conceptual tools that help rebut baseless rhetoric. Rebuttal methods include LR distributions and error rates. The examples come from criminal cases and admissibility hearings. Science and data can overcome misleading arguments. This talk shows how.
Cartridges made easy
2:30 - 2:45 PM- Getting More From Less: Low-Level DNA Mixtures on Cartridges - Talk by Kari Danser, MS
- Firearm cartridges are common crime scene evidence. Many labs struggle to get DNA information from cartridges. But TrueAllele solves the cartridge DNA problem. The talk shows how TrueAllele extracted more DNA information from cartridge casing data than manual review. The information contrast was striking with cartridges having low-level or mixture DNA.