TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v Joshua Huber

TrueAllele establishes reasonable doubt in homicide acquittal

Crime On the morning of April 15, 2016, Josh Huber shot and killed Derek Schindler (30) and Melissa Zuk (22) in his apartment after both victims attempted to attack him.
Evidence Blood stains were found near the victims’ bodies. Police took DNA swabs from the stains and from underneath the victims’ fingernails.
DNA The Allegheny County Crime Lab developed DNA mixture data from the evidence.
Match The lab was unable to draw any conclusions from the data because of its complexity.
TrueAllele Using the same data, the computer unmixed the DNA and found that the bloodstain matched Joshua Huber with a match statistic of 11.6 quintillion while Schindler’s fingernails matched Huber with a statistic of 53.8 thousand.
Cybergenetics    In May of 2017, Dr. Mark Perlin testified about the computer’s results.
Outcome On May 9 of 2017, Huber was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of self-defense.