TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v Kevin Foley

Blairsville dentist slain by state trooper

Crime On April 13, 2006, Blairsville, PA dentist Dr. John Yelenic was brutally murdered in his home. His estranged wife's live-in boyfriend, Pennsylvania state trooper Kevin Foley, was the main suspect.
Evidence A small amount of DNA was found under the victim's fingernails.
DNA The FBI's crime lab developed DNA mixture data from the evidence item.
Match The lab's manual analysis found a match statistic of 13 thousand between the fingernail and Kevin Foley.
TrueAllele On the same data, the computer's statistic connecting the fingernail with Mr. Foley was 189 billion. Following a Frye hearing, TrueAllele was admitted into evidence.
Cybergenetics    On March 12, 2009, Dr. Mark Perlin testified at the homicide trial in Indiana, PA about the computer's DNA match statistic.
Outcome Kevin Foley was convicted of first degree murder. He was sentenced to life in prison. The appellate opinion established a TrueAllele Pennsylvania precedent.