Prosecutors need reliable DNA evidence to win cases

TrueAllele gives match statistics when crime labs can't
In 2013, a serial rapist was stalking the town of Elmira, New York. A pair of purple gloves left by a crime scene contained three-person DNA mixtures. But the crime lab couldn’t interpret their DNA data, or give a match statistic. The DNA wasn’t usable evidence.
Chemung County District Attorney Weeden Wetmore called Cybergenetics. The company’s TrueAllele® computer re-analysis of the same DNA data showed that the victim, together with suspect Casey Wilson, were on the gloves.
A Cybergenetics DNA expert testified at trial. Wilson was convicted of rape and burglary. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Cybergenetics’ Work With Prosecutors
Cybergenetics has consulted for prosecutors in hundreds of DNA cases. Free TrueAllele screening can transform a crime lab’s “inconclusive” DNA into probative evidence – often vital to a case. We provide DNA match reports, trial materials, and expert testimony.
If your key DNA evidence needs accurate, unbiased “probabilistic genotyping,” call Cybergenetics to re-examine the data. Our free screening can tell you who is in the DNA, and what the evidence means for your case.